Many of us have blurted out, “I have nothing to wear,” while staring at the variety of clothes we own.
The more accurate statement might be, “I’m having a mental block and cannot put together an outfit with the options I have that would also make me happy or feel comfortable.”
But that's a mouthful, so let's stick to the shorter one with a flair for the dramatic.
One of the easiest solutions is to incorporate or expand your version of a “capsule wardrobe.”
Back to basics
The concept of a capsule wardrobe is to have quality pieces of clothing in neutral colours that are interchangeable. The styles are not reliant on current trends and allow for customisation.
Though the capsule wardrobe can stand alone, it can also be the foundation to layer in more bold styles and colours.
How to build your capsule
Get started by auditing what you own.
There are five types of clothes to consider based on how often you wear them:
• Frequently – daily/weekly
• Sometimes – a few times a month
• On special occasions – A few times per year
• Seasonally – a specific time of year
• Clothes you don’t wear, won’t wear or realistically will never wear (please donate or discard)
Once finished, put aside seasonal items and those for special occasions.
The next step is to sort types one and two – frequently and sometimes – to start your capsule. Look for neutral tones, mainly pieces that are in shades of black, grey, brown, beige, white and navy. Patterns or prints with dark or neutral colours can be included but should not overpower your solids.
Take stock of what you now have – how many shirts, skirts, trousers, dresses, jumpsuits, etc., and in which colours.
If you are missing some items and colours relating to your style, it’s time to go shopping – with a strategy!
You’re not purchasing an avant-garde look for a hypothetical social outing – at least not right now. Your mission is to fill the closet gaps you’ve identified. If you’re missing beige trousers, a white blouse or a black jacket, make a note of it and get to shopping.
Capsule wardrobes can have as few as 10 pieces or as many as you prefer; its flexibility knows no bounds. What matters is you have items that can work together and are worn often.
The retail stores in Camana Bay are a great place to start finding your capsule pieces and they’ll be sure to carry items that reflect and support the local lifestyle.
This article was originally published in the September/October 2022 print edition of Camana Bay Times.