May the fourth be with you this Star Wars Day

May the fourth be with you this Star Wars Day
May the fourth be with you this Star Wars Day
03 May 20242 minutes read

In a galaxy not so far away, 4 May marks an annual celebration uniting Star Wars enthusiasts across the globe – Star Wars Day. It's an unofficial holiday when fans of the iconic franchise come together to commemorate the beloved saga that has captured hearts and minds for more than four decades.

Camana Bay Cinema is getting in on the celebrations as well and will feature Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace on 4 May as fans celebrate the film's 25th anniversary.

"Star Wars has been a very successful franchise as it has become generational," Camana Bay Cinema General Manager Corey Randolph said. "My father watched it at the cinema when it first came out and then had my sister and I watch it when we were kids."

Created by George Lucas, the epic space opera first hit the silver screen in 1977 with Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. The film ignited a cultural phenomenon transcending generations and cultures.

The Star Wars saga comprises a total of 11 movies, including three trilogies, two standalone films and various animated series, each leaving an indelible mark on popular culture.

With a gross revenue of more than US$10 billion worldwide, the franchise stands as one of the highest grossing of all time. Several of the films consistently ranked among the top-grossing movies of their respective release years. The franchise has spawned a vast array of commercial offshoots, from action figures to video games. Star Wars still holds the Guinness World Record for the most successful film merchandising franchise in history since it was first given the title in 2012, according to IndieWire. From lightsabres, LEGO sets and clothing lines adorning store shelves and online marketplaces worldwide, it's estimated merchandise sales for the franchise total approximately US$32 billion.

"Star Wars has become as big as the galaxy it portrays due to the exciting story and its ability to reach a wide spread demographic," Randolph said.

So, whether you're a Jedi Knight, a Sith Lord or just a humble moisture farmer, May the fourth be with you. Make sure to check out Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace at Camana Bay Cinema.

This article was published in the May 2024 print edition of Camana bay Times.